Saturday, April 16, 2011

Big Gaming Releases On 4/19

A bunch of different games are getting released Tuesday. The main two that are big names right now are Mortal Kombat and Portal 2. Now, there are other ones as well, but I believe these are the big ones that are going to be possibly the most popular. Both games have a following in the gaming community, and the other has movies based off it.
Portal hasn’t been around as long as Mortal Kombat, but whatever popularity and following it has it is well deserved. The game soon to be a game series well the sequel releases Tuesday. It all started when Portal was released in 2007. It was a different experience for gamers, who also got to experience it with Half Life 2 and Team Fortress 2 in the orange box bundle. Players used a poertal gun, which fired two portals of different colors, one blue one orange. Get in one, come out the other. They could be fired on ceilings and walls upon other places that might for quite an interesting experience. The one thing the new game is going to have that the original didn’t is a co-op mode with two robots as the main characters
Mortal Kombat has been around for many years. The series has many games, some that were kind of spin-offs. They are now kind of looking to go back to their roots in a sense going back to original fighting game side scroller fighting. A cool new feature with the new game is an x-ray. One of each characters moves is a gory attack that shows x-rays of where the attack struck. Cool right?

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