Friday, August 5, 2011

Dominion-New League of Legends Gameplay Mode

Any League of Legends fans out there? Well, getting tired of the same two maps, fighting back and forth to destroy turrets and get to the nexus to win the battle? Well, Riot games, the creators of the game, have announced a new game mode called Dominion. Basically, it works a lot like Call of Duty's domination mode. Control multiple points on the map as your minions spawn from the ones you control. The more you control, the more health the opposite team loses. When one team losses all their nexus health, which is what drains when you control the points, that team losses.
Ok, this is good news for Riot games, who has had the same two maps and one gameplay mode for a long time. I haven't played in a while, maybe because it got so repetitive. But this a new gameplay mode and map. So it should bring more interest into the game and current players will find something different to do.

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