Friday, February 11, 2011

Machine Wars

Machine Wars came after Beast Wars, but we're saving Beast Wars and Beast Machines for Monday/Tuesdayish for the posting. The reason being is that the they have a larger story to explain over this Kay-Bee toy store exclusive line. 

Basically, 12 unique figures were made by Habsro as an exclusive to be sold at Kay-Bee while the Beast Wars figures were being launched.  The characters from G1 were redesigned for Machine Wars. There was no comic book run or cartoon series to support this shortly lived toyline. 

Honestly, the toy run was also lackluster: 

As you can see, Megatron is now a jet. Also about half the size of Optimus Prime. At the same time, Starscream has a huger body. I might dig up more photos if people want. 

1 comment:

  1. Even though they were US only, I managed to get ahold of Starscream, Mirage and Soundwave.

    Starscream and Soundwave were repaints of UK toys Skyquake and Stalker.

    IIRC this was meant to be like a Transformers Movie toyline with the Optimus Prime toy being Rodimus.
