Sunday, July 17, 2011

First Super Brawl Sunday!

This week we’re launching Super Brawl Sunday. I’m going to pit Fox Mulder and Dana Scully against Sam and Dean Winchester. Rules? There are none; but it’s going to be an open debate. Can the leads from The X-Files best the leads from Supernatural?

Let’s go over the quick information as we open this topic up:
·       Sam and Dean Winchester have their own ethics and report to no one. Mulder and Scully are FBI agents. Mulder is somewhat by the book while Scully mainly is by the book.
·       Mulder and Scully have FBI issued weapons while the Winchesters have a weapons cache that seems endless.
·       Mulder and Scully are highly educated. Mulder went to Oxford and graduated. Sam dropped out of Stanford. Dean has street smarts while Scully knows science.

If it was a physical fight, I’d put my bank account on the Winchesters. If it was a “Who Can Solve The Case Fastest” race, I’d put it on Scully and Mulder. Having the FBI back you up is a lot of help. It beats the Winchesters’ method of stolen credit cards. Though, having Castiel, an angel, on your side is that wildcard that helps Dean…


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