Monday, July 9, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Redux Reviewed

I ended up catching The Amazing Spider-Man in theaters over the weekend. Honestly, I thought for a redux, it was very good. I liked the whole new take on how Peter Parker got his powers and his background story. This is the area of the review without the spoilers.
The acting was pretty great. I am not going to go into any detail about the cast and who played who because it is not important. Face it, we go to see the comic book movies for the characters not the actors. At least in a case like this. I felt that the casting was pretty good and I liked the overall feel for the characters. I felt that the Parker family was done pretty well and so was Gwen Stacey family. Doc Connors was pretty good too.
The special effects for Spidey were great. I will admit I didn't justify seeing this movie in 3D and I kind of wish I did. The CGI scenes were great. The only issues I had were with the Lizard's face. But still, I felt it was realistic. The sound effects were great as well. Not a whole lot of music was used either. Which was great. I mean, if I am going to argue that we go to see comic book movies for the characters, do we really want a music score?
Spoilers are now here.
Somethings that were lacking to me, at least... Oscorp was where Parker's dad and Connor's worked. They kept making reference about the owner being sick and needing this formula to work to help keep him alive. I am going to assume this is where Norman will eventually be brought in and end up with his Green Goblin juice.
When Gwen Stacey's father was bleeding to death from a wound created by the Lizard and the cure for the genetic changer was made... Couldn't Parker have injected him with the Lizard's DNA changer to heal him and then use the cure to reverse it? I felt like that could have been a solution. But I guess the idea is to give Peter a darker and more dramatic issue; he had to promise Mr. Stacey that he would leave his daughter out of his life.
Overall I give the movie a solid A. Spidey Fans, just go in with an open mind and you'll enjoy the movie.

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